Mystery bug found in Antarctica's Lake Vostok
Water samples from Antarctica's subglacial Lake Vostok may have revealed a bacterium that does not seem to belong to known families
Sensors measure cow flatulence - for science
Cows equipped with sensors that monitor their farts could help cut humanity's greenhouse gas emissions
Zoologger: World's biggest mouth has an erectile secret
There is a surprise lurking on the roof of the cavernous mouth of the bowhead whale
Controversial quantum computer aces entanglement tests
D-Wave chips using a novel quantum computing approach appear to show entanglement - boosting hopes that a computing revolution is closer than we thought
How the transit of Venus changed cinematography
A new film by Turner prizewinner Simon Starling links innovations in making astronomical measurements with progress in film-making technology
Physics crunch: Desperately seeking everything
An ultimate theory that unifies all of physics seems as far away as ever - but that doesn't mean we should stop chasing the dream, says Michael Brooks
Zapping brain to improve learning comes at a cost
Stimulating the brain electrically has been shown to enhance learning, but tests now show it can slow your thinking too
Friday Illusion: Vanishing train defies space and time
Can you figure out why a train seems to disappear? There's a prize for the first person to explain our latest video illusion
Drummers drum smarter with a laid-back avatar
Changing how drummers see themselves in virtual reality changes the way they play. Could the effect extend to other skills as well?
Mapping brain activity is neuroscience's lofty new goal
Intimately mapping the brain's activity in real time could be biology's next great, bold project, but how do you tackle such a mammoth yet delicate task?
Gang of chimpanzees kills their alpha male
Four lower-ranking chimpanzees have banded together to assassinate their group's leader and take his place
Giant Milky Way bubbles blown by black hole merger
An ancient collision with an incoming dwarf galaxy may have created the huge lobes of high-energy particles seen by NASA's Fermi satellite
Stomach-twisting fuel storage for gas-powered cars
A fuel tank based on the human intestine could help cars carry more natural gas
Google Glass app identifies you by your fashion sense
You are what you wear when your "fashion fingerprint" can be spotted and tagged in a crowd
True face of climate's hockey stick graph revealed
Earth's temperature is warming faster now than at any time since the last ice age, according to a new analysis of past trends

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